Monday, June 2, 2014

For During The Storms

From February 9th, 2014

I do believe that it’s important to address that everyone goes through tough times, and that while some of us choose to be positive about these times, we must also realize that not everything can be “fixed” by a change of thought. We all still experience hurt in our lives, and hurt from our experiences isn’t something that you can just stop feeling. 

Yes, I do believe mindset is everything. One of the most amazing things I ever learned was that when you learn something, the neurons and everything in your brain changes too. A very wise professor explained this as we are not the same person after we learn something, at any point in time we can change, our brains literally change for us. 

I have been fighting for over a week now to keep myself in my happy place and full of the energy that so many people seem to admire in me. I’ve been trying so hard, forgetting the beauty in the breakdown. I’m in love with being happy, but life is going to happen.

As stated in Carry On by Fun.:
If you’re lost and alone
Or you’re sinking like a stone.
Carry on.
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground.
Carry on.

The point I want to make is, it’s okay to sink sometimes, it’s okay to sit with it, you have to sit with it. It doesn’t have to take you over, but just allow the things around you to happen. When you can’t sleep because your mind is so pre-occupied with the bad, remind yourself that you are just going through a hard time and thateventually you will be okay again, allow yourself to sleep with that peace. 

Get your sleep. Eat food even if it makes your stomach turn because your upset. Go on that walk/run/gym trip because it will make you feel better. Eat something healthy because it helps your brain too. Accept the negative happenings in your life and think positively about your future and the opportunities that are presented to you.
Today I realized I was sinking. I realized it was okay to sink. I know that I have to continue to take care of myself and do what needs to be done in school. I cannot be lazy about my life, and I cannot force the energy that I do not have right now. 

I am sinking and I am at peace with that. Eventually, something will change all of that. I still experience happiness. I still have so much to be thankful for. I just have a lot going on. I’m going to float again in time, but for now I’m going to wait it out as best I can and I’m going to be okay with life. I won’t let it make me bitter simply because things aren’t where I wanted them to be. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow I LOVE this and totally agree - even though positivity is a choice, emotions come and go in waves and it is ok to be sinking sometimes!

    I hope you begin to float again soon :)

    Sam xx - how to make the most of your twenties
