Monday, June 2, 2014

Keep On Keeping On

In recent weeks I've been stressing myself out with trying to find a job. As a recent college graduate, I thought such a task would be easy, that I'd have companies fighting over me making me wonderful offers for me to begin my career journey with. I was wrong. I'll admit, with a degree in Psychology you really fall into that group of 'trainable' without much leeway to offer 'special skills' to companies. 

As much as I fought with myself to try and be positive and stay happy, I let so much of my life revolve around being upset for lack of having a job so immediately. I begged my mind to go back to it's positive place, and safe to say I wasn't feeling like myself, I was feeling sad in life, an that's okay.

In these situations, just keep on keeping on. Life always gets better, just keep trying to enjoy the experiences and take up every opportunity that you can. You will get back to your good place again, you will feel like you again. 

"No matter what, get up, dress up, and show up." Do what you love in life, even when you're feeling down. Do what relaxes you, try something new, get out and get moving. Allow yourself to feel sad for a while, and then get back to work and eventually, you will find all that you've been hoping for!

I've learned that positivity doesn't always attract positivity. Going after what you want might not always get you what you thought you wanted, but it will get you to some place better.

I was given the gift of a wonderful interview process at a wonderful employer Friday and Today. Today they offered me a position, one which I'm excited about, for more starting pay than I asked, my first REAL adult job! I'm so so so grateful for this opportunity. I've spent more than four hours interviewing and testing with this company. The comfort level was high, they seem just as excited to work with me as I do them, and I get all good vibes. 

My life isn't perfectly on track, and it's not supposed to be. But I can say that I woke up on Friday morning, feeling like myself again, taking chances, and gaining opportunities. Don't force your life. :) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for this. I'm in a very similar situation. Finishing uni, applying for jobs and not being very successful. I needed a reminder that it gets easier and the right job is out there.congratulations to you xx

    1. Definitely know that! Sometimes we get the things we want when we least expect them! Definitely enjoy the time off and be patient in waiting for the right career starter for you! ♥

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  4. Sometimes it's the rougher times that help us build character, and of course, give us something to blog about ;) Congrats on the new job!!
