Saturday, June 7, 2014

Notes On Positivity

I find that when most of us think of being positive, we have this idea that somehow we will get the things we want because of it. Even I've behaved this way before. I thought that simply being positive was going to bring all of these good things into my life simply because of my attitude. It doesn't always work that way though.

Let's suppose that being positive and being happy are two different states. Being positive is saying that good things are going to happen no matter what, it's saying 'all is well' and being content with your life. Happiness however is probably more of a feeling, a potential result of your positivity.

Think positive thoughts, speak positive words, give hope to others and they're going to see you as positive. There's no trick to this other than to re-write any negative thoughts.

For example.. When you're running distance, what would keep you going?  Thinking about how greatly you would love to stop running, telling yourself you can't do it.  Or thinking about the little goals that are getting you to the big one, mile to mile, telling yourself you can do it, teaching yourself how to keep going and hold hope, keeping your eye on the goal.  As someone who enjoys running I can 100% say it's the second one.

Positivity is a light. It's seeing the bright side. It's optimistic.

It is not getting what you want and still seeing that light.

1 comment:

  1. You're right! It's hard to stay optimistic, but running is a great analogy. You never know how far you can go with a little positive thinking!
